Women’s Nutrition

The temptation to eat poorly because it’s quick and convenient pops up frequently. Many women try to exercise and eat healthy when they can, but it often feels like an uphill battle.
At the same time, women are bombarded with a huge variety of often conflicting information about nutrition. The magazine headlines on the grocery store racks are always advertising some new diet or super food. And there’s always a new celebrity on TV claiming she got her amazing results from this or that new diet.

To make matters worse, society puts an unhealthy amount of pressure on women to maintain what is often an unrealistic body image, leading some women to feel anxious, depressed or even develop eating disorders.
All too often, the most important thing in life falls by the wayside: good health.
20 percent of women are iron deficient.
This compares to only 3 percent of men, because women have naturally smaller amounts of iron reserves and because iron is lost during menstruation.
Women are also at higher risk for developing osteoporosis (50 percent of women compared to 25 percent of men are expected to develop it in their lifetimes) and need more calcium and Vitamin D to prevent it. Doctors agree the best way to get these nutrients is through proper nutrition.
Attaining and maintaining health is the foundation of this Nutrition Program. With your Personalized Nutrition Program, you will:
  • Noticeably and dramatically feel and look better as you reach and maintain a healthy weight and body fat percentage.
  • Improve your levels of energy and eliminate those sleepy daytime periods as you satisfy all of your basic nutritional needs with the perfect ratio and amount of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
  • Boost your immune system, improve your cardiovascular system, promote healthy bones and teeth and fight off iron deficiency as you receive all the vitamins and minerals you need.
  • Help fight off cancer as the amount of anti-oxidants in your diet increases.
You’ll also see major changes in how you look.
You’ll shed excess body fat, tone your muscles and improve your skin. And you’ll enjoy yourself doing it.
That’s because this Nutrition Program is also about having fun. You only eat the foods you enjoy, and if you slip up, it’s no big deal.
Life has enough struggles. Getting healthy shouldn’t be one of them!

Transformed. Energized. Empowered.

Get the results you deserve.
This program gives you the tools, the knowledge and the step-by-step detailed directions to take you to where you want to be.
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